Pour un passionné de tournois, les SCOOP de PokerStars sont un marathon. Lancé dimanche dernier, le festival n'en est encore qu'à son premier tiers. De cette première semaine, on retiendra la quasi absence d'overlay et surtout deux victoires cpistes.
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- Scritchfield
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Unregistered Evelyn 3873 days Permalink
How do I get my ex-girlfriend back, if she has a new boyfriend?Me and my ex dated on off(mostly on) for like 5 years but we broke up about a year and a half ago. Since then I've balisalcy done every wrong thing that your not suppose to do when trying to get your ex back apparently from what I've read. Worst of all, I'm pretty sure that if fell into to the bottomless pit known as the Friend Zone and i just realized it so i been trying to dig myself out for the past month. There has been alot times when i thought we were gonna get back together but it never got to that point. Now she has a new boyfriend and i'm not sure what to do. I love her alot and i just wanna have her back. I was even thinking of faking to have a new girlfriend to try and make her jealous but idk if that would even work. How can i get her back?
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